Thursday, May 01, 2008


THE JOURNEY CYCLE is an online course provided by the Kiss of Death Chapter of RWA. Instructor Robin Matheson will be teaching the plotting structure of the Hero's Journey using Fairy Tale motifs that we can all relate to. There will be 2 assignments, as well as the opportunity to use your own work when you need help with trouble-shooting.

You can still sign up for this course today - I'm in the class, and really looking forward to it, if only for the brainstorming potential! You can find it at the Kiss of Death's website KISS OF DEATH, under the KILLERINSTINCTS online class line-up. You don't have to be a member of KOD to join in.

Register today and start Saturday off by learning how to work your way through your WIP with structure and expertise! Robin is a wonderful instructor and has five published novels she'll be using to share examples of THE JOURNEY CYCLE.

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